
Example Parameter Files

These examples show how to use the parameters file. See Parameter Table page for more details. All of these examples can be run using windse run <file>. Some file require inputs, which can be downloaded here.

  1. 2D Simulations

  2. 2D Layout Optimization

  3. 3D Simulations

  4. Multi-Angle Simulations

  5. Yaw Optimization

  6. Multi-Angle Optimization

  7. Actuator Line Method Single-Turbine Simulation


These demos are extremely coarse to lower runtime for automated testing. To get better results, increase the mesh resolution and try different refinements.

Example Driver Files

These examples show how you build a custom driver if desired. Check the WindSE API for details on the available functions.

  1. Constructing a Gridded Wind Farm on a 2D rectangular domain: 2D Demo.