
The BoundaryManager submodule contains the classes required for defining the boundary conditions.

class windse.BoundaryManager.PowerInflow(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: windse.BoundaryManager.GenericBoundary

PowerInflow creates a set of boundary conditions where the x-component of velocity follows a power law. Currently the function is

\[u_x=8.0 \left( \frac{z-z_0}{z_1-z_0} \right)^{0.15}.\]

where \(z_0\) is the ground and \(z_1\) is the top of the domain.



  • Make the max velocity an input
  • Make the power an input


class windse.BoundaryManager.GenericBoundary(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: object


This function saves the turbine force if exists to output/…/functions/


This function saves the turbine force if exists to output/…/functions/

class windse.BoundaryManager.LogLayerInflow(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: windse.BoundaryManager.GenericBoundary

class windse.BoundaryManager.PowerInflow(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: windse.BoundaryManager.GenericBoundary

PowerInflow creates a set of boundary conditions where the x-component of velocity follows a power law. Currently the function is

\[u_x=8.0 \left( \frac{z-z_0}{z_1-z_0} \right)^{0.15}.\]

where \(z_0\) is the ground and \(z_1\) is the top of the domain.



  • Make the max velocity an input
  • Make the power an input
class windse.BoundaryManager.TurbSimInflow(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: windse.BoundaryManager.LogLayerInflow

class windse.BoundaryManager.UniformInflow(dom, fs, farm)

Bases: windse.BoundaryManager.GenericBoundary